

IQNET launches public consultation for SR 10 Specification


Bern, 18 July 2024 – The public is invited to comment on the revisions to SR 10 (Social Responsibility) Specification 2024 version. SR 10 is a publicly available specification that defines the requirements of a social responsibility management system which shall be complied with, to satisfy organization’s stakeholders.   SR 10 can be applied by all organizations, regardless of size, location, complexity of operations, or business scope.


More information about the public consultation on the changes brought by the 2024 revision could be found in this site, deadline to comment is until 30 September 2024.


The need for SR 10 revision

SR 10 2015 version considers the principles and core subjects of the ISO 26000 Guidance on Social Responsibility and is aligned with relevant United Nations and International Labor Organizations (ILO) Conventions.  It condenses the social responsibility principles and recommendations into a verifiable format, based on the harmonized structure and the Plan-Do-Check-Action (PDCA) cycle of continual improvement. 


The 2024 version of SR 10, which is now subject to public consultation, is aimed to align with the ISO Guide 82 (Guidelines for addressing sustainability in standards), identify correspondence and contribution to United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs), reinforce SR 10 positioning as a path for sustainable development, and inclusion of requirements related to new concerns, threats, and opportunities. 


IQNET as SR 10 scheme owner

IQNET Association was founded with the objective of facilitating international trade and enhancing assurance worldwide, through promoting a credible, consistent and trustworthy conformity assessment infrastructure (more information about IQNET Association).


IQNET Association has been developing and making available conformity assessment related schemes for the last 25 years, made possible by the network’s profound knowledge of the market, and permanent contact with the most recent developments in the conformity assessment, supported by a “cache” of competence coming from its Partners worldwide. From excellence-based evaluation models to providing assurance and recognition of auditor competences, among others, IQNET also prides on SR 10 as one of the widely-known management system certification scheme in its portfolio. 



IQNET supports accredited certification of persons


Bern, 23 February 2024 – IQNET Association recently published its brochure on Accredited Certification for Persons and Benefits Explained (ISO/IEC 17024). 


IQNET as an Association Member of International Accreditation Forum (IAF), and many of IQNET Partners being accredited by IAF Multi-Lateral Agreement (MLA) signatories, this material is consolidated to promote a harmonized information and dissemination regarding the advantage of accreditation of certified personnel, its merit for the person certified on the areas of their specialization, the benefits it could bring to the public, employers, regulatory bodies, national authorities and other stakeholders. 


Take a look of our IQNET Members who are accredited for ISO/IEC 17024 by IAF MLA signatories:
•  CISQ Federazione Certificazione Italian dei Sistemi (Federation Members maintaining individual accreditation)

•  Cyprus Certification Company
•  Instituto Argentino de Normalización y Certification (IRAM)
•  Normalización y Certificación NYCE, S.C.
•  Quality Austria – Trainings, Zertifizierungs und Begutachtungs GmbH
•  SIRIM QAS International Sdn. Bhd.
•  Turkish Standards Institution (TSE)


ISO/IEC 17024: Conformity Assessment – General Requirements for bodies operating certification of persons was developed by CASCO in the field of certification of persons, including certification bodies for persons, examination development and measurement experts, and accreditation bodies, with the objectives of achieving and promoting a globally accepted benchmark for organizations operating the certification of persons. Read more



IQNET Members' Events Calendar


SQS Sustainability Academy: Where companies learn everything they need to know about sustainability

Read more.

Winners of the 23rd Drawing Contest are announced

Last July 28, the winning entries were finally announced.
On June 15, 2023 (Thursday), JQA held the final screening and judging of the 23rd JQA International Environmental Children's Drawing Contest. 
IQNET was represented by President A. Stoichitoiu.  Among the 9,947 entries from 83 countries and regions – a total of 173 excellent works were selected, given honorable mention, and awarded with best prizes.
Last July 28, the winning entries were finally announced and published on the contest website.
Take a look at the many wonderful works filled with messages and thoughts about the global environment.  More can be seen in the 2023 winners booklet.

IQNET Unveils New Look

A walk through on the change and the rationality behind our visual identity.


Bern, January 2021 – Marking its 30th anniversary, IQNET Association launched its new brand as approved by the General Assembly.

The new IQNET logo blue tone is a perfect reflection of the Association’s authoritativeness and trustworthiness in the field of conformity assessment. Its revolutionary movement from rectangular to circular shape surrounded by dotted waves represent its key promise to its stakeholders – “together, we build value and trust around the world, for people and businesses to create a sustainable future.” Read more